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An LMS for Corporate Training Content Providers

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

LMS for Corporate Content Training Providers

As the demand for corporate training services continues to increase for companies of all sizes and across most every industry, corporate learning managers are looking to all types of third-party organizations to help them ensure that their employees are properly trained t compete in today’s increasingly complex work environment. And quality corporate training content is among the most in-demand assets to meet these needs.

The challenge for many corporate content training providers is in offering a complete solution that includes the actual delivery of the training sessions. Many companies, especially smaller businesses, do not have the technology in place to deliver corporate training to their employees. This is especially true in the age of COVID-19 where workers are increasingly remote. Fortunately, there are good options cloud-based technologies available that can offer corporate training content providers with the delivery system they need to present a complete training offering to their clients.

Learning Management Systems for Corporate Training Content Providers

Online learning, or “eLearning” continues to establish itself as the preferred method for all types for training needs. And the technology that provides the foundation for eLearning is a Learning Management System, or “LMS”. An LMS is the application that supports the delivery, management, and tracking for any type of eLearning program, including corporate training. As LMS technology continues to evolve, several deployment options have become available that are well-suited for content training providers who are looking to provide a more complete offering to their corporate clients.


While some companies choose to “stand up” their own LMS on-premises (self-hosted), they tend to be larger organizations that have the resources (both financial and labor) to deploy and manage their own platform. Doing so calls for a large, up-front capital investment in both software and hardware and requires that the company have (or hire) the labor required for this effort. An on-premises LMS also requires the ongoing allocation and labor and financial resources for the management and maintenance of the system.

A cloud-based LMS offered by a third-party vendor, on the other hand, allows you to leverage a platform that is already in place and proven. Most LMS providers offer the use of their system on a subscription basis and can have you (and your clients) up-and-running very quickly. And all of the ongoing efforts around system performance and security are offered by the cloud vendor as part of the service fees.


A relatively recent development in LMS technology is the ability to leverage a multi-tenant architecture. While a single tenant LMS dedicates all of the software and hardware resources to the support of a single audience, a multi-tenant LMS allows you to “spin up” new instances of the application on-demand. A multi-tenant architecture is especially valuable for third-party corporate trainers and content providers looking to create private eLearning environments (portals) for each of their clients. And many multi-tenant LMS applications now allow you to deploy a new portal very quickly and manage all of your deployed portals from a single administrative console.

LMS Portals for Corporate Training Content Providers

LMS Portals offers a cloud-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows our clients and partners to launch and manage multiple eLearning environments from a single administrative console. Using LMS Portals, our corporate training content provider partners can quickly and easily “spin up” a new instance of the LMS application to support each of your corporate training clients. And each portal you launch can have its own branding, user onboarding system, messaging and collaboration tools, analytics engine, and more.

Visit our Partner Program pages to learn more or contact us today to get started

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