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The Benefits of a Cloud Multi-Tenant LMS

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

Cloud Multi-Tenant LMS

As eLearning continues to establish itself as the preferred approach to corporate training, especially as remote workforces continue to grow, cloud-based learning management systems (LMS) have emerged as the foundational technology to support these learning and training programs. This is especially true for small to medium-sized businesses looking for all the benefits of an LMS, without having to make large-upfront investments in software and infrastructure.

The Benefits of a Cloud LMS

An LMS is the software application that allows corporate training administrators to build, deliver, and track employee learning and training programs. While some organizations prefer to deploy an on-premises LMS, these tend to be very large companies that have the human and financial resources to implement and manage these systems. The majority of companies in the market for an LMS today, will give strong consideration to a cloud-based system for the following advantages:

Minimal Up-Front Investment

A cloud LMS allows you to get your corporate training program started without having to make a large up-front investment in software and the supporting infrastructure. And with a cloud LMS, the ongoing management and maintenance of the system is handled by the LMS vendor, thus minimizing your ongoing operational costs.

Subscription-Based Offering

Companies that choose to deploy an on-premises LMS typically do so with extra capacity that will support the future growth of the system and the corporate training program. Unfortunately, under this approach, you are paying for capacity that you do not currently (and may never) need. A cloud LMS eliminates this expense and risk by allowing you to access the specific amount of capacity you need at any given time through a subscription-based approach.

Convenience and Accessibility

A cloud LMS allows your employees to access the learning materials they need at any time and from any place. All that is required is an Internet connection. The high level of access and convenience not only lends to a more satisfying learning experience, but it ensures that your workers can access training content whenever it may be critical.

Availability and Security

A cloud LMS vendor can usually offer a higher level of system availability and security than most companies can achieve on their own. This is because the LMS vendor can make the significant investments required to meet high standards and spread these costs across their customer base to make the system affordable.

Multi-Tenant Cloud LMS for Corporate Training

A multi-tenant LMS is a cloud offering from a third-party vendor that adds efficiency and cost-effectiveness to the offering by sharing resources among its clients. For corporate training companies, a multi-tenant LMS can efficiently serve your entire client base because as it enables you to deploy individual portals as instances on the platform. Your company controls the centralized management of these separate environments and can customize each portal to meet the needs of each specific audience. Multitenancy is also well-suited for companies that need to deploy training programs for different groups of employees, as well as their partners and customers.

LMS Portals: Cloud Multi-Tenant LMS

LMS Portals provides our clients and partners with a cloud-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows you to deploy private eLearning environments on-demand. The system enables you to dynamically launch new training environments as needs arise and customize each environment (“portal”) with its own branding, user onboarding, messaging and collaboration tools, analytics, and more.

Visit our Partner Program pages to learn more or contact us today to get started

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