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The Power of Groups in LMS Portals

LMS Portals Groups

LMS Portals is a cloud-based, multi-tenant Learning Management System (LMS) that allows our clients and partners to launch and manage a customized training environment (portal) for each of your training audiences. In addition to offering the ability to “silo” training audiences, each portal you launch allows you to create Groups of users to simplify the delivery and management of your corporate training programs.

The Benefits of Working with Groups for Corporate Training

Most every company that implements a corporate training program does so with the goal of helping their employees to perform their job roles as effectively and efficiently as possible. And within most organizations, there are employees who perform similar work roles and will therefore benefit from a similar training curriculum. Given this, LMS Portals offers a Groups module to allow portals administrators to create any number of unique groups within a portal. Once create, the administrator can then:

  • Enroll the group in specific courses

  • Create and deliver specialized learning paths for that group

  • Send messages and announcements to the entire group

How to Create a Group in LMS Portals

LMS Portals Administrators and Supervisors (with permissions) can create and manage Groups.

To create a new Group, click Groups from the left-hand menu.

The Groups window appears. Click the Add Group button.

The Group Add form appears. Name the Group and select users for members from the dropdown.

When done, click the Submit button.

Your Group then appears on the list of available Groups for updating and management.

After the Group is created, you can message the Group and assign courses or Learning Paths.

Contact us today to get started or visit our Partner Program pages

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