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eLearning Businesses and The Power of Recurring Revenue

eLearning Recurring Revenue

Recurring revenue refers to a predictable and regular stream of income that a business or individual receives at consistent intervals over a period of time. This type of revenue is often generated from ongoing sales, subscriptions, or contractual agreements that require customers or clients to make periodic payments.

Recurring revenue is valuable for businesses because it provides a certain level of financial stability and predictability, making it easier to forecast future income and plan

for expenses.

There are several common models that generate recurring revenue:

Subscription Services

Businesses offer products or services on a subscription basis, where customers pay a regular fee to access these offerings. Examples include streaming platforms (Netflix, Spotify), software as a service (SaaS) companies, and subscription boxes.

Maintenance Contracts

Companies that provide ongoing maintenance or support services for products, such as software, equipment, or machinery, often charge customers on a regular basis for these services.


Organizations offer membership programs that grant members access to exclusive benefits, content, or events in exchange for a recurring fee. Gyms, online communities, and premium content websites use this model.

Licensing Fees

Intellectual property owners can receive recurring revenue by licensing their patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other assets to other businesses in exchange for regular payments.

Rentals and Leases

Property owners generate recurring revenue by renting out real estate, equipment, or other assets to tenants or lessees who pay periodic rental fees.


Businesses with renewable products or services, like insurance policies or domain registrations, receive recurring revenue when customers renew their contracts or agreements.

Recurring revenue is often seen as a sign of a stable and sustainable business model, as it helps to reduce the risk associated with fluctuating sales or one-time transactions. It can contribute to customer loyalty and long-term relationships by ensuring ongoing value delivery.

The SaaS Business Model for Recurring Revenue

A Software as a Service (SaaS)-based business model is a prime example of generating recurring revenue. In a SaaS model, software applications are provided to customers over the internet on a subscription basis.

Customers pay regular fees to access and use the software, typically on a monthly or annual basis. This model offers several benefits, including predictable revenue, ongoing customer relationships, and the ability to continuously improve and update the software.

Here's how a SaaS-based business model generates recurring revenue:

  1. Subscription Pricing: Customers pay a subscription fee to access the SaaS platform or application. This fee can be based on various factors, such as the number of users, the level of features, and the usage tier. Subscription pricing enables the business to generate consistent revenue over time.

  2. Recurring Billing: Subscribers are billed at regular intervals, such as monthly or annually. This creates a predictable revenue stream that the business can rely on for budgeting and planning.

  3. Continuous Value Delivery: SaaS companies provide ongoing value to their customers by regularly updating and improving their software. These updates can include new features, bug fixes, security enhancements, and performance optimizations. This ongoing improvement encourages customers to remain subscribed and continue using the service.

  4. Customer Retention: Since customers pay on an ongoing basis, SaaS companies have a vested interest in maintaining strong customer relationships and providing excellent customer support. High-quality service and support can lead to higher customer retention rates, reducing churn and increasing recurring revenue.

  5. Scalability: SaaS businesses can scale more easily than traditional software models. As the customer base grows, revenue increases proportionally without the need for significant infrastructure changes.

  6. Lower Barrier to Entry: SaaS often requires less upfront cost for customers compared to purchasing and maintaining traditional software. This can make it more appealing for potential customers to start using the service, leading to a larger user base.

  7. Analytics and Data: SaaS platforms often collect usage data and analytics, which can be leveraged to understand customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. This data can guide product improvements and marketing strategies.

  8. Trial Periods and Upgrades: SaaS businesses may offer trial periods to attract new customers. Once customers see the value of the software, they may upgrade to premium plans with additional features, generating higher subscription revenue.

Overall, the SaaS-based business model capitalizes on the benefits of recurring revenue, fostering a stable and sustainable source of income while maintaining a strong focus on customer satisfaction and continuous innovation.

eLearning Businesses that Offer Recurring Revenue

E-learning businesses can effectively leverage the recurring revenue model by offering subscription-based access to educational content and resources. This model allows learners to access courses, materials, and other learning resources for a regular fee, creating a steady stream of income for the e-learning company.

Here are a few examples of e-learning businesses that use the recurring revenue model:

Online Course Platforms

These platforms host a variety of courses on subjects ranging from professional skills to hobbies. Learners pay a subscription fee to access a library of courses or a specific category of content. Examples include LMS Portals, LinkedIn Learning, and Skillshare.

Language Learning Apps

Language learning apps offer interactive lessons and exercises to help users learn new languages. These apps often have subscription plans that grant users access to premium features, personalized learning paths, and advanced content. Duolingo Plus and Babbel are popular examples.

Coding Bootcamps

Coding bootcamps provide intensive training in programming and web development. Many bootcamps offer subscription-based access to their curriculum, allowing students to learn at their own pace and receive ongoing support.

Educational Content Platforms

These platforms provide a wide range of educational content, including textbooks, study guides, and reference materials. Students and educators can subscribe to access the platform's library of resources. Chegg Study and Scribd fall into this category.

Membership-based Learning Communities

These communities offer members access to forums, webinars, workshops, and other educational events. Members pay a monthly or annual fee to participate and interact with experts and peers. MasterClass and CreativeLive are examples of such platforms.

Certification and Training Programs

Companies that offer professional certifications or specialized training often provide subscription-based access to their materials. This approach allows individuals to prepare for exams or advance their skills in a specific field. CompTIA CertMaster and

Salesforce Trailhead are instances of this model.

Academic Tutoring Platforms

Some platforms provide tutoring services for students across various subjects. Students can subscribe to receive personalized tutoring sessions or access resources to supplement their education. and Varsity Tutors offer subscription-based tutoring services.

Personal Development and Wellness Platforms

E-learning businesses in this category offer content related to personal growth, wellness, and mental health. Subscribers can access courses and resources to improve their well-being and personal development. Gaia and The Great Courses Plus are examples.

These are just a few examples of e-learning businesses that utilize the recurring revenue model. The key to success in this model is to consistently provide high-quality, valuable content, engage with the learner community, and offer features that encourage ongoing subscription renewals.

About LMS Portals

At LMS Portals, we provide our clients and partners with a SaaS-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows you to launch a dedicated training environment (a portal) for each of your unique audiences.

The system includes built-in, SCORM-compliant course authoring software that enables most anyone to build engaging courses quickly and easily.

We also offer a complete library of ready-made courses, covering most every aspect of corporate training and employee development.

If you choose to, you can create Learning Paths to deliver courses in a logical progression and add structure to your training program. The system also supports Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) and provides tools for social learning.

Together, these features make the LMS Portals platform the ideal solution to provide our partners with eLearning-based recurring revenues.

Contact us today to get started or visit our Partner Program pages

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