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Multi-Level Marketing Training Course

Multi-Level Marketing Training Course

About Multi-Level Marketing

Multi-level marketing, or "MLM", is a business marketing strategy that many companies use to encourage current agents to perform while at the same time growing the team by recruiting and training new agents. This marketing strategy strengthens the company’s sales force not only from the sales of the primary agent, but also from the sales and profits of the agents they have recruited.

About this Course

With the Multi-Level Marketing course, participants learn the specifics of how multi-level marketing works and how to effectively source agents. For many companies, it can prove to be a valuable tool for not only building revenue, but also for building their marketing and networking circles.

Multi-Level Marketing Course Outline

1. Getting Started

2. How Does Multi-Level Marketing Work?

3. Building a Contact List

4. Recruiting New Agents (I)

5. Recruiting New Agents (II)

6. Training MLM Agents

7. Sponsorship/Mentorship

8. Provide Marketing Presentation Training

9. Provide Social Media Training

10. Provide Training in Recruitment

11. Provide Ethics Training

12. Wrapping Up

About LMS Portals

At LMS Portals, we provide our clients and partners with a SaaS-based, multi-tenant Learning Management System that allows you to launch and manage any number or private learning environments (portals) to support multiple unique training audiences. Each portal you launch includes a Rapid Course Development engine, along with the support tools you need for user onboarding, learning path management, certificate generation, analytics, and more.

We also offer a Corporate Training Library of more than 130 comprehensive courses for workplace training and employee development.

Contact us today to get started or visit our Partner Program pages

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